poniedziałek, 21 lipca 2008

Weekend Post 2

Hey ;**

**~~ Sorry for the thumb on the picture xDD ~~**

Last weekend was not one of the good ones. It actually was horrible for me for certain reasons. BUT anyway: I really enjoyed Saturday, it was pretty great! We went on an excursion to Madame Tussauds the museum of WAX figures. I was there for the third time, yet I enjoyed it more than the previous times. I've found Michael Jackson and Audrey Hepburn, so that made me really happy ;D Next, we went shopping on Oxford Street. We got VERY little time, but it was pretty awesome, because I bought a pair of dancing shoes I really like ;D ;D ;D Later I met my close friend from last year's campus (it was Queenswood as well). Unfortnately we had like 2 minutes to chat, but I was VERY happy to see him.

C-YA ;**

ps. it was Saturday ;D

piątek, 18 lipca 2008

There was an excursion . . .

Yesterday there was an Excursion to London. First we were walking around with our guide, who was talking about The Great Fire of london and the Great Plague. So I'm still not changing my mind about the cruelty of Tudors. I just feel incredibly sorry for people living there those times. so anyway, it was, of course, raining. everyone got wet. However, I don't like it when rain makes people depressed, because for me it's a good thing. Just not in the centr eof the city when it's so... grey. So anyway, I took out my umbrella and put on my sunglasses. There was no reason for putting on sunglasses, because it was dark. But me being insanely crazy made a few people smile, so that's a good thing. And then I saw other people putting on sunglasses!!! In the rain!!! It kinda made me quite happy. We looked like total idiots xD xD xDD Later we went on this ship... HMS Belfast. No comment....... THe ONLY INTERESTING ACTIVITY TO DO (sorry 4 CapsLock) was findng this amazing respect for people forced to live for moonths in such conditions. Impossible to imagine... I mean... it was so small and smelly and BLAAAAAAhHH!!! Of course I was dizzy ;P and I got headache. Our Claustrofobian Victoria got stomachache and polina started having a headache... It was JUST HORRIBLEEE . I'm just glad that we've survived... I guess That would be all about the excursion.

poniedziałek, 14 lipca 2008

Weekend Post

Apres (V) Sunday activities ;D


Today I'll tell you about my weekend. Interesting, I know ;P but whatever xD
FRIDaY- A typical day. Lessons etc... But at the end of the day all of us went to the Queenswood theathre, or whatever it's called, for an Assembly. There were students performing their... performences xD they were working on the whole week. It was nice. Although it was pretty hard to know what was going on on the stage when all you hear is boy' screaming. My friend VICTORIA got a star student award ;D Then we had activities, I was on arts&crafts. It was pretty great. We didn';t paint though ;D but KASIA and POLINA were playing piano and I got really emotional when Kasia played the Moon Song. The whole day was nice.

SAturday- EXCURSION!!! I liked it a lot. We went to Cambridge and we had free time! I went a little sightseeing but not much, because I was there before. We did a little shopping. That's what GIRLS really like ;D . SHOCKING, I know ;D We've taken many pictures e. g. In a phone box. (I couldn't come out by the way, but I'm fine. Thanks ;D) Later there was !~DISCO~! Sounds excitng. But... let's just say: HELLO to the middle ages. Or the 70's. i think it's pretty much the same ;D ;D ;D some people found the disco WONDERFUL, but... Well, If they haven't been to a disco ever before, I really can't judge these people. Hoping next one will be BETTER.

SUNDAY- A lot of people went to the amusement park (THORPE PARK). I stayed in Queenswood doing Activities all day long. But itwas fun. First one was football. Although I didn't play ;D But I was lying on the grass listening to music with POLINA and VICKY. Next one: Badminton. No comment. LAst one: Well, I was supposed to do A&C , but I ended up having to play SOFTBALL. I avtually found it really great. It was nice to be outside and run a little. Even though I injured my knee even more, but I'm alive and that's a pretty good point. Then typical: Tee at the dinig hall ;D I thought that I'd sleep well, but my hopes were too high ;D

Weekend was very fun and I have a lot of pictures. ~That's great~.

A LOT OF KISSES TO MY GIRLS ~~~~ P =** V=** K=** ETC... :*:*:*

piątek, 11 lipca 2008

LONDONNN was Cruel

Hi there !!! :** :** :***

Yesterday an excursion to London. Most of people thought it was incredibly borng but I actually enjoyed it. I'm different. I'm crazy, I know xP xD But I like History of Tudor times (I don't know how else to call it). I thing that what thy did to people was cruel!!! I mean, tht's a rel horror. Not ghost or haunted houses. But those tortres. When I think about it.. BLeeaaAAhhhH!


Tomorrow a SHOPPING TRIP!!! And on Sunday amusement park. But 'm not going, because I already went there and it sure was quite fun, but the lines wre looooooong and it's expensive. I'll juststay at QW and have activities. Today it was a very nice day, beacause I have received news from my dancing group and so I'm very very very happy ^^ . And aloI didn't have headache today for the first time so that's great ;P ;D

A LOT of kisses to the people I love and for all queenswoodprisoners xD //kidding// ;D ;P

Muaaah! =**

środa, 9 lipca 2008

another day

Hey guys =** (although no one is actually reading it, but whatever)

So... Another day at Queenswood. Yesterday we went on an optional excursion. I choose bowling and it was... well, just ok. We came back about 22:30. (why am I writing that????)
Sorry, i am definitely not in a mood today. I wish i could just lie down and fall asleep. That brings one expectation: I know it is school, but it's SUMMER school. Just ten minutes less of every lesson would give us another hour to SLEEEEEP..... Then, on Sundays, when we don't do anything, exept for activities, we should sleep at lest till 9:00-9:30.

So, as there's no interesting topic, let me tell you about my group back in Koszalin. It is my family. We dance together. I am incredibly proud of those people, because they are JUST perfect. This is absolutely the best thing that have ever happened to me. Up till then I was so depressed that nothing made me happy. Nowadays I'm not happy alll day long either. But when I see those people and while dancing, and after the class... I can't explain it, but it's like all my problems are disappeared. I LOVE YOU TOP TOYS FORMAT <3

Ok, see ya. I'm gonna go now and keep dying =**

wtorek, 8 lipca 2008

First impressions

Hi there =)

So let me start with introducing myself. My name is Kasia, I'm from Poland and I've come to Queenswood basicly to learn, but also to make some new friends and meet some old ones I've met here last year. I am familiar with this place, because I've been here last summer. I can't say much about this year. It's because I've been here for just two days. So far it's not awful, not great either. What bothers me the most is the fact that we do the same things we did last year. For example blogs. We already had to do it last year. Same as 'computer connected words dictionary' thing. I'm just hoping that the excursion destinations won't be the same... Well...
So far I prefer last year much more. However, you never know, right? So I'll just keep doing all this stuff they tell me to do and I'll try to have fun =D
It's just quite hard, because my whole life is back in Poland where I have my dancing group, people who I love the most. Last year was just great. I made a lot of friends ad some of them are even here.

Hai Anh =** Lucia =** Mireia =** Carolina =** Laura =**

Some new friends I made:

Victoria =** Anna =** Kasia =** (another friendly polish face xD )

Kisses to all my friends back home. And you too =***** I miss You adn FormaT !!!

HOWEVER!!! I like England (except for rain) and London. And so, Queenswood as well.

Sorrrrrryyy for SUCH a dull post today, but I'm just exhausted. I will try todo better next time ;]

KISSES =* =* =*

Ps. Something else that is here and haven't changed at all... The WeatherRRR!!!
ps2. And timetable changing all the time =P